Why I Don’t Need a Bucket List

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI recently tried to write a bucket list. I was unsuccessful.

I’d just read this short, but thought evoking post from Basically Classy entitled before I die.

And felt inspired to think of all the things I’d like to achieve before I kick the bucket.

But try as I might, I couldn’t do it.

And not for the first time I might add.

The internet is full of Things to do before I’m 30/I die/I settle down*…*delete as necessary! However, I have always found this tough to do for some reason.

I found focusing on all the things I have yet to experience quite heartbreaking. Not that I don’t think we should have dreams and set goals – I absolutely do.

But I think that we live in a world of comparison, where it’s totally acceptable to only post the perfect parts of our lives on social media, where people are not content with what they have and a ‘dog eat dog’ mentality has us all working our asses off.

And at times, some of us can feel a little disheartened, as if we don’t meet the standard, insecure or maybe just a little sad.

Bucket lists are in theory a list of wishes, things you dream of doing before you kick the bucket. People make them so their life will have purpose and is full of once in a lifetime experiences.

However, and this is my issue with them…they’re too big!

And I don’t mean they are long – I mean they are full of tasks and experiences that are grandiose, extravagant and ‘once in a lifetime‘.

We don’t all have the health, time or resources to climb mountains, live abroad for a year or maybe even go skydiving. Some of us have commitments, restrictions and maybe even a lack of desire to go on a pilgrimage, be enlightened or change our lives.

And I’m here to tell you, that’s okay.There’s nothing wrong with that.

Nor is it wrong if you do crave, strive and yearn for excitement and experiences that are wild, wonderful and life affirming.

I believe we all have one thing in common.

The desire to have experiences that are memorable.

Whether they are new or familiar, exciting or comfortable. We all desire to create long lasting memories, feel special, connect with others and enjoy life even if it’s right in our own back yards.

So, instead of writing an enormously extravagant list of specifics – how about you create a list of subheadings that loosely define what you want to experience, feel, see or do?

For example – you want to visit new places, but can’t travel abroad right now for whatever reason. How about you make a list of places nearby or easily accessible with a little planning that you could visit? They might be a little closer to home, smaller and more achievable.

That local restaurant you’ve never gotten round to eating at, a walk in the park on your own, a day at the zoo, breakfast in a cafe or coffee shop you’ve never been in before, jump on a train and ride to the last stop – the possibilities are endless.

Okay, it’s not the same as going to a new country or visiting the seven wonders of the world…but maybe you’ll still get to experience the joy of exploring a new area. Maybe you will be inspired to go out regularly and do new things? Maybe you find a new hobby, new friends or simply get a thrill from stepping out of your comfort zone?

I’m not saying don’t do something that’s grand and once in a life time – but what I’m saying is do it because you want to or the opportunity arises – not because you simply want to cross it off your bucket list! Sometimes the most amazing experiences we have, where everything comes together: company, atmosphere, laughter, love – cannot be planned. They just happen.

Here’s another idea – how would you feel about creating a list of things you have done rather than a list of things you wish you could do.

Maybe creating this list will help you live a life of gratitude, become aware of all you have and encourage you to notice the little things in your every day that make you smile.

So here’s my list. It’s not particularly long nor is it particularly astounding – but honestly, I don’t really want for much.

I would like to experience beautiful places – that includes restaurants, hotels and beautiful spaces in nature.

I would like to stay young at heart, have fun and be spontaneous – laugh a lot, not take life too seriously and live a life where I say yes more often!

I would like to have fabulously  authentic relationships – that includes meaningful conversations, friends that lift me up, people I can look up to and learn from, spend time making memories.

I would like to be excited by life – jump out of bed in the morning, feel inspired to try new things, meet new people and stay open to opportunities that come my way.

I would like to become freer, financially secure and work less – less routine, more me time and space to be creative.

I would like to live a life of gratitude and happiness – surrounded by my family and friends, be thankful for what I have, smile lots.

As long as I stay true to what I desire in my life, I believe I will live an authentic, fulfilling life. This list isn’t exhaustable – but these are the things that are important to me regardless of whether they are costly, simple, once in a lifetime or everyday.

I don’t need a bucket list – my dreams and goals are ever changeable. They are presented in opportunities that come my way, the people I meet and the little things I do regularly.

Let me know below, how do you feel about bucket lists?

Goal setting for 2017


This is NOT a New Years resolution post!

I’ve written before about my hate/hate relationship with New Years resolutions here. In a nutshell I think we put far too much pressure on ourselves to achieve things that are unachievable, unproductive and for all the wrong reasons in a limited time frame.

Having said that – I do set intentions or make plans to have the best year yet. Around the beginning of December I start to ‘notice’ words or phrases that resonate or sit deep in my soul. I start mentally (and sometimes in my journal) exploring what I want from the new year. I ask myself questions such as…

What do I want to do more of this year and how can I achieve this? What will I have to include in my routine to ensure I stay happy? Which people lift me up and add value to my life?

I think about what brings me joy and helps me feel fulfilled. I think about what I enjoy doing, the things that light me up and make me smile.

Then I work out how to incorporate these feelings into my day and what experiences I need to have and do to help me feel this way.

When you’re planning to make this the greatest year yet be realistic, pick things that are easily do-able and regularly achievable. It’s not about the big win win, but a steady series of small events you can do regularly with enthusiasm and smiles!

⭐️ Find your excitement and visualise your best year yet. Reward yourself along the way, visualise yourself already doing that thing and celebrate every small achievement.

⭐️ Find your mantra, intentions or goals and follow your heart, making your soul sing along the way.

⭐️ Find the little things that amplify your wellbeing, the things you need in your life every day that make you come alive.

Do all of the above in 2017 and have a happy year – all of it!

What goals are you planning to explore and how will you ensure you stay on track?

An honest evaluation of my blogging journey so far…


The New Year seems like a good time to evaluate and reflect on my blogging journey (more like expedition!) over the last 12 months.

Blogging has been a blast! Since publishing my first post back in February I have gained over 700 followers, published 200 posts and connected with so many of you from all corners of the world.

The Highs…

Starting out I had no idea which direction I would go. I had a sassy web address, a desire to write, a passion to be authentic and an insatiable appetite to help others see how fabulous they truly are too. It was exciting and scary and fun and overwhelming all at the same time and I was a total virgin at all of it!


I started #itsthelittlethings as a way to document the little things that made me smile throughout the week and now it’s become a bit of a catchphrase for when something goods happens around here!

I’ve written some articles that have made my soul sing and they seemed to have deeply resonated with you guys too – Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful was such a pleasure to write and a message I try to live by.


I’ve talked honestly about myself in the Things You Need to Know About Me series and shared my experiences about how the death of my younger brother completely changed my life and was the motivation to start writing.

In my monthly round up (Monthly Musings) I regularly share new blogs I have stumbled across that I feel are worthy of a look – this has been so successful and something that I enjoy doing so much. Connecting with others is a great bonus that I didn’t expect when I started blogging. I even became pen pals with one of you lovely readers.

The lows…

The last few weeks I have definitely felt a little ‘off my A game’ blogging wise. But hey, it happens to us all I’m sure. The pressure of juggling a full time job (and life) alongside a blog is hard. And whilst it is a great hobby, unfortunately it is the thing that suffers when time isn’t available.

Also as a result of not being around so much lately I have noticed a drop in my monthly stats – despite never being hung up on the numbers previously, it’s hard not to feel like a bit of a failure when they dip.


Sometimes you have an abundance of ideas. You find inspiration for posts on every corner it seems. Then some days you stare at that blank white screen and…nothing. Just nothing. Even when you do write something, some days you hit that delete button so many times and question the validity and worth of what you have written that you don’t publish it anyway! My post on Why Do I Write When It’s All Be Written Before came from such a moment of unworthiness and thoughts of ‘who am I to even think I can do this’.

Also it seems there’s an unwritten rule, expectation if you like to define your niche and put yourself into a category; lifestyle, food etc. Can I not just be someone who writes to inspire people to find their smile, find what makes their soul sing and help them become the best version of themselves with the occasional lifestyle type post thrown in every now and then?

Final thoughts…

One thing I have learnt about blogging is that there are no hard and fast rules. My blog, my rules. Blogging to me, is about writing and creating content you are passionate about.

It’s about finding your voice, your slant, your style and running with it.


It’s about sharing your experiences and thoughts and asking others what they think.

It’s about connecting and sharing and reading and creating and not taking it all too seriously!

Can I get a hell yeah?

So keep creating and writing. Stay passionate and authentic. Be true to yourself, be amazing and continue to share the love.


Merry Christmas you gorgeous people – see you in the new year!

Nicky 💋


It’s the Little Things *pre Christmas edition 24.12.16

Well it’s the last minute hustle and bustle, crazy town, final countdown…I feel a song coming on!

Here’s a snapshot of the last 2 weeks (sorry – just couldn’t fit it in last week!) of the little things that have brought joy to my heart and put a smile on my face. Enjoy!

Doggy Christmas jumpers
Wintery sunsets


Saluting the start of the Christmas holidays
It’s a wrap!
Christmassy haircuts – complete with bow that lasted approximately 2 minutes!
Christmas jumper competitions – and yes he did win!

There was lots of fun to be had in the run up to Christmas – my top tips to beat the stress: plan, budget, keep it simple…oh and wine. Lots of wine.

What Christmas delights have made you smile recently? Let me know below!


Evaluating the old before you start planning for the new


Do you dread the New Year or do you await it’s arrival with much anticipation?

Many of us look forward to the New Year, make plans, set goals and hope the next 12 months are as good, if not better than the last ones.

Whilst this is all good and well (I’m not a fan of New Years resolutions – but do set intentions) sometimes we are so impatient to move on we forget how important it is to spend a moment reflecting on the last year.

Without a good ending you cannot be ready for the new start.

Without reflection you cannot be sure on what worked well or what you would like to leave behind.

Without reminiscing about the past you cannot be sure of the things you wish to repeat or have remain in your life in the future.

Spend just a few moments thinking about the last 12 months and give your mind, emotions and soul chance to spring clean the mental cobwebs of 2016 away.

I like to journal about my year very, very simply.

What am I letting go of?

This year, it’s the unhealthy thoughts I have about myself, the choices I made that I replay over and over in my mind, the overthinking and trying to second guess everything, the beliefs that I have adopted that aren’t true for me any longer, the skeletons that are in the closet of the person I used to be.

What did I learn?

Recently I learned not to judge people by my standards, actually not to judge people at all, sometimes the right decisions are the hardest, it’s not someone else’s job to make you happy, it’s not my job to rescue everyone, you will be strong when you need to, you should take the time to celebrate something every single day.

What do I need to do more of?

I need more quiet time, to slow down, to simplify my life, to embrace being me, to continue to learn, to spend time connecting with others, to smile, to be happy and to let things go, to be fully present in the moment and to trust it will all work out for the best.

There you have it. It’s not rocket science. But I believe it’s important to make the decision to let stuff go, to throw out the bad vibes and inhale the magic and promises that will serve you well should you put your mind to it.

This year should be amazing for you!

Choose to make it the best year yet – set yourself the challenge to look forward to the new with anticipation.

Choose to leave the old behind!