It’s okay to be you


We live in a world where we are bombarded with ideals and suggestions for what to think, do, choose, how to act, where to eat, what to wear…

Social media is our basis for comparison. The ubiquitous presence of peer pressure has been experienced by all at some point. And we question ourselves relentlessly.

Are we good enough? Doing enough? Have enough?

Well, I’m here to tell you that you are enough.

A perfectly unique individual.

Exclusive. Exceptional. Extraordinary.

It’s okay to be you.

💋 to find pleasure in the things you do

💋 to want different things than the crowd

💋 to make choices based on your experiences

💋 to have your own set of preferences and values

💋 to dream your dreams and plan your future

💋 to know what you need and provide it for yourself

💋 to dance to the beat of your own drum

So evolve, grow, become, explore, try, find, do, desire, dream, be.


The world needs you. The real you.

💋 xo

Monday Motivation #5


I want to give you a compliment.

💋 You are loved

💋 You are strong when you need to be.

💋 You carry on despite wanting to give in

💋 You say yes when really you should say no

💋 You make the right choice, not the easy one

💋 You give it 100% even though you are tired

💋 You put others first. Often

💋 You go without and still smile

💋 You dream of a better way and a brighter day

Pick a compliment for yourself and carry it with you wherever your day takes you today. Then pick one for someone else and share it with them.

Let’s speak kindly.

Let’s share the love.

💋 xo


A letter for when you are tired…


When you are tired of trying

Tired of life’s battles

Tired of pretending

Tired of simply surviving

Tired of always being available…or never

Tired of being persuaded

or put in a box, labelled.


Tired of doing for little or no reward

Tired of saying yes…or no

Tired of simply existing,

Tired of longing, looking, wishing

Tired of finding no joy despite persisting

Tired of being tired.


I feel you. I am you. 

I’m sending you virtual hugs right now. Catch them.

Then stop for a moment. Pause.

Rest when you need to. Because you think you might need to. And you always need to.

Life is too fast, too busy, too soul destroying. And it drains our energy, life force, fun…and in the process we become tired.

Do one thing to boost your energy, your self love, your fun.

And write it down. Sing it out loud. Make a mood board. Go shopping. Book the night off. Buy yourself flowers. Eat cake. The whole cake. Put on your best dress and dance in your kitchen. Light candles. Call a friend. Laugh to yourself. Read that book you have been putting off for ever…

Be kind. To yourself. In your thoughts, your actions.

You don’t have to win every battle – hell, you don’t have to even join in the conversation.

But you do have to take a moment every now and then to connect or reconnect with your body and what you desire.


Rest often.

💋 xo



Monday Motivation #4


It’s the moment we all dread…the alarm making it’s presence known on a Monday morning!

Instead of dread, what if you were filled with the desire to get the most out of your working week? What if you made the most of every moment without leaving your energy levels depleted? What if you were simply happier?

Get up earlier – even 20 minutes will help your day get off to a more relaxed start. Eat your breakfast slowly, read a few pages of your book, tidy up or text someone a well thought out inspirational message.

Organise yourself – both the night before and first thing in the morning. Plan your outfit, your food, your goals and intentions for a more focused and productive day.

Find the fun – look for things that make you smile and laugh. Then find ways to include them in every day.

Outside – fresh air energises your mind, body and soul. A change of scenery can recharge your senses making you feel calm and clear headed.

Reflect – you are amazing! Notice what you do well, embrace your authenticity, practise gratitude and remember to celebrate all you achieved today.

Inside – nourish your body with water and a healthy lunch. Sit down, take a break and eat mindfully.

Trust your intuition – you got this. You know what you need to do, where improvements can be made, or where you need to say no.

Shine Bright Like a Diamond


Diamonds – I usually burst into song when I think of them.

Think Rhianna…

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Marilyn Monroe…

A kiss on the hand
May be quite continental
But diamonds are a girl’s best friend

Or my personal favourite Lily Allen…

I want loads of clothes and f***loads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them

Did you know that…

The word diamond comes from the Greek word meaning unbreakable

They are the best known natural thermal conductor 

Naturally occurring diamonds are formed over billions of years under intense pressure and heat.

So let’s recap – unbreakable, warmest natural conductor and their beauty is often unearthed in the most intense situations?

Sound like someone you know?

Women, in my opinion are like diamonds. 

💎 We carry enormous pressures but continue to shine. Rarely complain. Never give up. We prove our strength time and time again by rising to the challenges that life throws at us.

💎 We can be our most productive, inventive, brilliant and motivated when facing difficult situations.

💎 And we are the warmest creatures I know; spend an evening with your girlfriends and you often come away with your battery fully charged due to the amount of warm, positive energy you share when you get together.

So, how about just for today – you shine like the diamond you are.

You dazzle others with your positivity.

You stay strong when everyone else crumbles.

You are virtually indestructible remember?

💋 xoxo

Want to read more fun facts about diamonds? Click here.