Starting the day with kindness


The Kindness Challenge – week 1

This week was all about starting the day with kindness – to yourself. In principle, I’m pretty good at self kindness; I get up early so I can have some time to write, exercise or just sit and enjoy the quiet.

However, I found initially, I was trying to ‘do’ kindness to myself. I felt the pressure to say something nice or think kind thoughts about myself – which was ridiculously hard. I had set my intentions a little high. So, after a couple of days of unsuccessful trying, I went back to the list I had written in my first post and decided to pick 1 and start from there.

I like affirmations and quotes but find them difficult to say out loud. So I spent some time finding quotes and adding them to some of my photographs – it was a great way to start my day.


Later in the week I felt inspired to put together a display at work with the children, exploring being your own kind of beautiful and do some art journaling.


After a few days, I decided to start someone else’s day with kindness – so every morning I sent one person a ‘Hope you have a good day‘ message. Everyone replied back with wishes of the same or a heartfelt ‘Thank you‘and I felt I had shared the love. It shows how by just adding one element of kindness into my day, I then felt inspired to do more and reach more people.

How do you show yourself kindness?

Can you find time to slot a little more into your day?

Can you afford not to?

My tip is to just start – add one moment of self kindness into your day. It’s not always easy, but allowing yourself some ‘me’ time will show your body and the people around you how important it is.

It’s so important to reflect, recharge and realise how important we are.

Next prompt is all about observing kindness around you – check back in a week to see how I got on.

Want to jump on board the kindness train?

Check out Niki’s blog –  The Richness of a Simple Life for all the details.


5 thoughts on “Starting the day with kindness

  1. I love how persistant you were. You explored that to do to help you focus on self-kindness until you found something that worked for you! I love the quotes on your photos idea, what a great way to reflect on beautiful quotes and have fun with pictures you take. I love how you felt so inspired that you wanted to spread the love! We’ll be doing lots of that in the weeks to come! I’m glad you were able to take this week to focus on you and you’ve already seen how that naturally spills over to others! I can’t wait to see what week 2 brings! 🙂


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