A letter for when you are tired…


When you are tired of trying

Tired of life’s battles

Tired of pretending

Tired of simply surviving

Tired of always being available…or never

Tired of being persuaded

or put in a box, labelled.


Tired of doing for little or no reward

Tired of saying yes…or no

Tired of simply existing,

Tired of longing, looking, wishing

Tired of finding no joy despite persisting

Tired of being tired.


I feel you. I am you. 

I’m sending you virtual hugs right now. Catch them.

Then stop for a moment. Pause.

Rest when you need to. Because you think you might need to. And you always need to.

Life is too fast, too busy, too soul destroying. And it drains our energy, life force, fun…and in the process we become tired.

Do one thing to boost your energy, your self love, your fun.

And write it down. Sing it out loud. Make a mood board. Go shopping. Book the night off. Buy yourself flowers. Eat cake. The whole cake. Put on your best dress and dance in your kitchen. Light candles. Call a friend. Laugh to yourself. Read that book you have been putting off for ever…

Be kind. To yourself. In your thoughts, your actions.

You don’t have to win every battle – hell, you don’t have to even join in the conversation.

But you do have to take a moment every now and then to connect or reconnect with your body and what you desire.


Rest often.

💋 xo



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