What inspires you to continue to write, when it’s all been said before?


Someone asked me this question recently, and it made me wonder.

Wonder where my inspiration comes from?

Wonder if I will eventually run out of ideas?

Wonder if my readers truly like what I write?

Wonder if my readers would stick around if I ever decided to write about something new?

Wonder why am I still writing when some days it’s hard to juggle a blog with a full time job?

After a moment of wondering, I realised a couple of things…

The thing is, it has all been written before – but not in my style, in my voice, my way. 

I find inspiration to write in what I see, what I encounter and how I feel about these experiences.

I am inspired by many, many things…

💛 a beautiful dress 💛 a rainbow 💛 an evening cuddling on the sofa 💛 a story 💛 a beautiful picture 💛 a walk 💛 a conversation 💛 laughter 💛 a kind gesture 💛 smiles 💛 beautifully wrapped gifts 💛 someone else’s blog 💛 a quote 💛 a thought provoking article 💛 meditation 💛 reflection time 💛 exercise 💛 my children 💛 the children I work with 💛 people who get up every morning and face the world 💛 kindness 💛

The thing is, I enjoy writing and need to find ways to continually be inspired.


Take stock. Relish the moment.

Consume the beauty.

Let it sink and settle deep in your soul.

Find inspiration in all things.


Better still – how about you be the inspiration?

Live your life, your way.

Show up, tell your story.

Be present. Be aware. Be there.

What inspires you to write? Why do you write? How do you choose what you write about?

Let me know below


14 thoughts on “What inspires you to continue to write, when it’s all been said before?

  1. Great post !! I just enjoy encouraging others and I feel as though when I write it’s encouragement for myself as well. My writing comes from life experiences and my overall point of view on life . I write because I just love it and I believe that my words can make a difference in the life of others. I’ve been helping people my whole life so I feel as though it’s my purpose.


  2. My life and philosophy inspire me to write. I write in hopes of helping some people along. I choose what I write about by something cool happening and pursuing it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I write from my heart. Sometimes a prompt will set me off but I always delve deep. You’re right Nicky, it’s our tone and voice that makes all of us unique. And I love yours.


  4. Hi Nicky. I like that you posted about this. And I agree wholeheartedly that no one can write the way you do, because you’re unique.. and you experience things in a different way.

    It’s an interesting thing.. thinking about what to write about. Some blogs have coherence in their posts like, lifestyle, photography, fashion… I wanted to write about a specific area as well, but it wouldn’t be me. I guess it depends if you’re writing for a particular goal (professionally or personally)

    My thoughts are all over the place sometimes, and I have a lot of interests. So many things fascinate me. Hence, I write about so many different things. And my blog is mostly a journal, so I don’t think I’ll run out of things to say. One thing my posts have in common is promoting fun, positive thinking and motivation.

    Writing has always been a part of me, as I’m sure it is a part of you. ❤ ❤ ❤


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