It’s complicated…


We all dread the ‘C’ word!

Is your life calm and quiet; with everything working in harmony? Do you have the time to talk to others, get all your jobs done and still have time to do something nice for yourself?

Right now you’re probably wondering if this is a fairy tale?

Most of us, at one time or another have taken our eyes off the ball, lost focus on our priorities or simply let our lives run us, instead of taking control.

We unintentionally allow our lives to become full of stuff we feel we have to do rather than stuff we choose to do.

You know how it is; busy at work, demands from home, a never ending to-do list, going from one job to the next, multitasking, people to see, bills to pay.

You know the feeling of the circus act who’s keeping all the plates spinning?

With little time to devote to yourself to recharge and the demands piling up, eventually it becomes difficult to keep all the plates spinning at one time and they will inevitably come crashing down.

And life becomes full of ‘C’ words: Crazy. CHAOTIC. C O M P L I C A T E D!

Your mind, body and soul can only take so much.

Something has to change.

It is so important to take time for yourself but how many of us place self care way down on the to-do list?

Let’s start by simplifying a few areas of your life.

Your health.

Ensuring you are getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, eating foods that nourish your body and regular exercise is the starting point to being in optimum health. It doesn’t have to be complicated – a short walk every evening, a chicken salad every lunchtime prepared the evening before, a beautiful new water bottle to remind you to drink plenty.

Good habits and regular routines make our lives easier because we won’t waste valuable headspace making decisions. This will enable you to cope better when things inevitably get crazy!

Learn how to say no.

Obviously I’m talking about where you can…but think about it, do you really have to do everything, every day, all of the time?

Allow yourself regular breaks from the daily grind. Do you want to sit in the staff room with all the gossips at lunch time or would you benefit from a walk and time away from your desk? Do you need to hang out with that group of friends who bring you down or talk about work all night? Or would your time be better spent doing something creative or simply not thinking about work outside of work hours?


Your home. Your wardrobe. Your work space. Your mind.

Having less stuff makes it easier to keep tidy, encourages gratitude and helps you focus on what’s important in your life. Try creating a capsule wardrobe this Autumn or how about challenging yourself to give one item away every time you buy a new item? Clear your desk every evening, writing a to-do list before you leave so you know you are ready for tomorrow and you can leave work, at work. Allow yourself time to sit quietly and assess what’s going on in your mind. It may help you become an expert on you and what you need in your life.

Creating space – actual and metaphorical can help you think clearer, make better decisions and feel calmer.

Can you create pockets of time just for you?

Whether it’s time to read, go for a walk, bake, do something creative or simply a long hot bath listening to your favourite tunes.

Do something just for you.

This way of thinking tells your body and others around you that you are important. That you value time alone to recharge your energy and spend time doing things you love.

Do one thing every day that makes your soul sing.

You have to keep an eye on your life, or it will become complicated, busy and cluttered. There will always be one more thing to do.

Plan time out just for yourself – it’s the only way it will happen.

Work hard at simplifying your life.

Think of one thing you can do today to make your life a tiny bit less complicated.

20 thoughts on “It’s complicated…

  1. Awesome post. This is a basic check up that we need to perform on ourselves all the time! We have to make sure we’re saying Yes to the right things and No to the things that aren’t right. De-cluttering is a big one that is often overlooked. And perhaps most important of all, making sure we do one thing every day that makes our “soul sing.” Great ideas, thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oooh, yes! I love all of your suggestions and I struggles with the organized chaos {as I call it} of life. One thing I do on a daily basis is listen to music and it really helps me stay sane. I’ve also found that getting some form of exercise, whether it’s going for a walk with the dogs or going to Pilates or doing a circuit training course, really helps me stay on an even keep emotionally and mentally.

    Liked by 1 person

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